It's been one of those weeks. Our group leader mentioned the Serenity Prayer last week. It's been in my head since. I'm now stuck home with a cold and not much else to do...
Spread by Embla
Position 1: Serenity - How do I find serenity in this situation?

9 wands, 4 swords, 4 pents
By persevering, resting and meditation, relaxing. I love how the 4 of pents, which is always a card to relax for me, is stepping on the other 4's head. We have been speaking in group of untwisting our thoughts and becoming conscious of our negative thoughts. So this part seems to point to that. I also like how that 9 seems centered, almost in prayer or contemplation.
Position 2: Acceptance - How do I find acceptance of the things I can´t change?

knight cups, justice, 3 swords
We also spoke of acceptance of self and being kinder to ourselves. I see that in the knight and the 3. I also think Justice is fitting. Weighing what can be changed. I see this as not beating myself up for what I cannot change. But I tend to think that everything and anything can be changed. I have a very hard time with the word acceptance. I must realize I don't have to always be a warrior.
We also spoke of acceptance of self and being kinder to ourselves. I see that in the knight and the 3. I also think Justice is fitting. Weighing what can be changed. I see this as not beating myself up for what I cannot change. But I tend to think that everything and anything can be changed. I have a very hard time with the word acceptance. I must realize I don't have to always be a warrior.
Position 3: Courage - How do I find the courage to change the things I can?

ace pents, 7 swords, 2 pents
That 2 really looks like me when I meditate and that is a big way for me to find courage. I'm pretty courageous, if I do say so myself. Staying grounded is important to me as well, as I see in that ace. That ace, because it is a pentacle reminds me of my religion, which I should lean on more than I do. That may help as well. I think that 7 is representing my mind and how I tend to sew seeds of self-doubt. Which is funny because I joined another group, it's for self-empowerment, and it is coinciding nicely with my anxiety group. They tend to work on the same things and my daily affirmations may help to sew new seeds.
That 2 really looks like me when I meditate and that is a big way for me to find courage. I'm pretty courageous, if I do say so myself. Staying grounded is important to me as well, as I see in that ace. That ace, because it is a pentacle reminds me of my religion, which I should lean on more than I do. That may help as well. I think that 7 is representing my mind and how I tend to sew seeds of self-doubt. Which is funny because I joined another group, it's for self-empowerment, and it is coinciding nicely with my anxiety group. They tend to work on the same things and my daily affirmations may help to sew new seeds.
Position 4: Wisdom - How do I find the wisdom to know the difference between 2 and 3?

empress, magician, 2 swords
This image really speaks of balance for me. I need to create more balance and keep myself in this world, as opposed to my own little world that I've created. And to be more conscious of the fact that I do have the power to decide.
This image really speaks of balance for me. I need to create more balance and keep myself in this world, as opposed to my own little world that I've created. And to be more conscious of the fact that I do have the power to decide.
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