By Indigo Rose
So, I got a letter from Social Security saying they are re-evaluating my disability status. I'm a little scared but I don't really think they will find me not disabled. Especially since I've lost all that weight and am really thin now. But I figured I'd do a spread about it anyway.
1) Outlook for the situation, event, or project

6 Pents, 3 Pents, Queen Swords
Outlook for the situation: Well, I am asking for money and showing them why. I'm not sure what that Queen is doing there. Perhaps I've been the Queen, trying to logically show them why I am unable to work.
2) What/Who will help

7 Swords, King Wands, 4 Cups
I think I will help. I think showing them my day to day life and how I struggle will be enough. It was enough last time and I've only gotten worse.
3) What this will lead to

7 Pents, 10 Pents, 10 Cups
7 is harvest, right? So after a long wait it will all come together.
4) How you will feel about the outcome

2 Wands, 10 Wands, 8 Wands
This one is confusing, because I know I will feel relieved. Perhaps there is something else they will do? Lots of fire for how I will feel.
"6 Pents, 3 Pents, Queen Swords
ReplyDeleteOutlook for the situation: Well, I am asking for money and showing them why. I'm not sure what that Queen is doing there. Perhaps I've been the Queen, trying to logically show them why I am unable to work."
I wonder if the Queen of Swords represents someone you will be dealing with? The Queen has her back turned to the 6 of Pents, whilst the person in the 3 is holding out their pentacle, as though they're asking for something, or showing her something...
The 6 of Pents shows the help you've been receiving, so that you can get by (it helps you to survive). It's also the reason for the meeting. I wonder if the 3 of Pents could represent the support groups you've been attending, as well as the help that SSI provides you with - you have been trying to deal with this, despite the anxiety that keeps you from working outside of your home.
"7 Swords, King Wands, 4 Cups
I think I will help. I think showing them my day to day life and how I struggle will be enough. It was enough last time and I've only gotten worse."
It looks as though the remaining swords are cutting into the arm of the King (who looks to be trying to push the man in the 4 of cups, off the cup on which he's seated). I wish I'd bought this deck when I had the chance... it looks like thwarted progress, to me.
This also reminds me of another reading you posted, at AT: you said that you've asked your doctor for a medication that helped you in the past - you were functioning well - and he refused to give it to you... the man whi's supposed to be helping you, is withholding something that should help, leaving you despondent. It isn't your fault that he won't give it to you.
"7 Pents, 10 Pents, 10 Cups
7 is harvest, right? So after a long wait it will all come together."
I hope this means that the evaluation will lead to your continuing to receive SSI - that things won't be "up in the air" for you, as they are right now (waiting for the evaluation).
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